“ I was very pleased with the Life Coaching service that Onyi provided. I have recommended Onyi's coaching to the service provider at our University, to coach our young graduates who are struggling with motivation, success and exams. - Sharon Mcbean South Bank University.

“ The YOUR TIME IS NOW Monthly Life Coaching Workshop was a great workshop to be involved in. I found the practical advice and guidance on my Goals one of the most rewarding elements of the workshop and key issues such as confidence was delivered in an effective way. - Ema Okoko.

Six months to go, six months gone

Posted on: June 16th, 2012 by:Onyi Anyado  2 Comments

Can you believe that we are in June already? I clearly remember the “happy new years” and the high fives like it was yesterday, well to be fair it wasn’t yesterday it was about 160 days ago. So with half of 2012 long gone, what goals and visions did you achieve in the first six months of the year?

From January 1st 2012, I made up my mind that every week will end with tangible goals and visions accomplished and every month will be a month of specific results that will show an increase in excellence. I can guarantee if you asked 15 people who you regularly interact with, what goals have they have achieved in the first six months of 2012 many could not and would not give a tangible answer.

I had many highlights in the first six months of 2012 but I would have to say my biggest highlight was my second book launch in nine months. On February 4th 2012, I held my book launch which was a result of commitment, excellence, vision, time management and discipline. I’m not a gambling man but I can guarantee you that your biggest highlight of the first six months of 2012 was a result of commitment, excellence, vision, time management and discipline. I am not saying these are the only elements needed but these six elements play a major part in any accomplishment of one’s vision.

My other highlight from the first six months of 2012 was the completion of my fourth book which I wrote in 7 hours, that’s right I wrote a book in seven hours. I remember the day clearly. I made up my mind that I will break every known ‘book writing record’ and decided to focus on my written goal. I switched off from Facebook and other social networks, put my phones on silent, said a prayer and began to write history. I have come to the conclusion that once you a make up your mind and write your goal and vision, respect the ‘law’ of time management, become and remain committed, have the view of excellence in sight and be so disciplined that distractions even have to be focused, the remaining six months of 2012 will have milestones of distinction rather than millstones of mediocrity.


A few days ago I received an email to attend an event where an Author will give tips on ‘how to write a book in 30 days’. I smiled to myself and said “30 days? Not only did I write history, I actually wrote it in 7 hours”. Today as you read my blog you need to make up your mind that for the next 6 months of 2012, (and to be fair for the rest of your life) you will be totally focused in raising the bar, breaking the barriers and crossing new lines of excellence so in turn your achievements and accomplishments will truly make 2012 a year of distinction.

Never let yesterdays achievements stop you from tomorrow’s accomplishments.  © O. Anyado 2012.

2 Responses

  1. timothy adelegan says:

    awesome read… i was thinking yesterday about my plans for the next 6 months…and goals and targets i want to set for those months.. 1 was to read the bible again in 6 months…get married in 6 months..etc.. nice confirmation.. God bless u bro..

    • Onyi Anyado says:

      Dear Tim,

      Thank you for your comments.
      It is essential that we continually maximize our time and hit our targets. The only person who can stop you from achieving your goals and visions for the year is you, so with this understanding I look forward to celebrating your accomplishments at the end of this year.

      If you are not already following me, why don’t you follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/onyianyado777

      GOD bless you richly.


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