“ I was very pleased with the Life Coaching service that Onyi provided. I have recommended Onyi's coaching to the service provider at our University, to coach our young graduates who are struggling with motivation, success and exams. - Sharon Mcbean South Bank University.

“ The YOUR TIME IS NOW Monthly Life Coaching Workshop was a great workshop to be involved in. I found the practical advice and guidance on my Goals one of the most rewarding elements of the workshop and key issues such as confidence was delivered in an effective way. - Ema Okoko.

Can you see your 2013 vision?

Posted on: January 4th, 2013 by:Onyi Anyado  2 Comments


Firstly I would like to extend my sentiments for the New Year. 2012 has gone and we have crossed into 2013. Isn’t it interesting how time waits for no man and before we know it, we will be saying Happy New Year and entering 2014? My first blog of the year is titled, Can you see your 2013 vision?

At the stroke of midnight millions of people around the world were eclipsed by the atmosphere of overwhelming emotions; emotions of joy, hugs, tears, high fives, declarations and statements of intent. However, after all is said and done, after the balloons have flown away and the litter is cleared, you have to ask yourself “can I actually see my 2013 vision”?

Having a clear and defined vision is essential for you not only in 2013, but for every year you are alive. Below I have highlighted some keys for application in regards to the achievement of your visions and becoming a person of distinction as well.


Do you know that time can be the entrance to excellence or the exit to the comfort zone? Every human on planet Earth whether they are white, black, young, old, rich or poor, from Angola to Australia, or from Brazil to Bulgaria have many things in common but one thing they have in common is time. Every person we admire or are inspired by learnt and are still learning how to maximise their time. In 2013 and beyond how and what you invest your time in will determine if you enter 2014 distinguished in the zone of excellence or disdained in the zone of mediocrity. You are probably reading my blog on a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter which is great but you have to be careful that you don’t spend all day and night tweeting and posting. Many people didn’t achieve anything in 2012 because they spent all year posting and tweeting their life away and when it was time to ‘show and prove’ all they could say was “there is a time and season for everything”. Every day of 2013 you will be given 24 gold bars called time, will you invest or waste your gold bars?


To become a person of distinction in 2013 you need to have a structured and organised process for accomplishing your goals and visions. A vision with no order or structure has as much power as a candle in a hurricane. You need to organise your circle of friends according to your vision. So for example, if you are an eagle who wants to cross new lines of excellence, you cannot afford to be around pigeons who want to settle in the comfort zone dreaming of mediocrity. Every night before you go to sleep, not only do you need to have achieved at least one goal, you also have to have a least one go you desire to achieve the following day. This will ensure your day has an organised structure to it and you’re not just sitting around busy but unproductive.



Every vision that you want to achieve this year needs to have the stamp of excellence permanently placed on it. Excellence will separate you from the mediocre and once you understand the power of excellence your commitment levels will dramatically increase. It is essential to know that being average is free, but excellence comes at a very high price. For example, if you are an entrepreneur who wants to break new grounds it is essential your website is a website of excellence (Please read my previous blog titled Are you caught in the web of excellence or in the net of mediocrity? for extensive teaching) We are living in a global economy and one of the things which will distinguish you as an entrepreneur is the quality of your website. In 2013, make up your mind that you will constantly target excellence rather than being a target for mediocrity.


It is essential that you are determined to refuse failure and mediocrity so you can become a person of distinction and a blessing to your generation. A few months ago London hosted the 2012 Olympic Games and it’s interesting that many of the athletes who won gold are already training for the 2016 Olympic Games. Many are determined not to hold on to previous achievements but rather they are determined to press on and reach new levels of excellence. I’m sure you heard and read how after being cut from his high school basketball team, Michael Jordan went home locked himself in his room and cried. What about Steve Jobs? When he was 30 years old, he was left devastated after being unceremoniously removed from the company he started. Let’s also not forget Albert Einstein. He wasn’t able to speak until he was 4 years old and his teachers said “he would never amount to much”. What about me? Onyi Anyado, the author of this blog? I didn’t have a penny to my name neither did I have a laptop but after being turned down at different Internet cafes for not having any money, I managed to find an outlet who let me use their services for free and with this, I managed to write my ground-breaking and pioneering book titled Hitting The Target A 12 Month Guide To Distinction.

Famous failures or great success stories? In 2013 you need to be determined to be determined.



Your mind is one of your most important assets you have so it is essential you are constantly feeding it with the right ingredients. Here in the United Kingdom there is a flower competition called the Chelsea Flower Show. All attendees enter to win various prizes and you will not find the gardeners feeding their flowers bad water, seed or nutrients. The same is with your mind, will you sow seeds of faith, commitment and excellence so you can end the year as a rose of distinction or will you sow seeds of fear, procrastination and average thinking and end up as a bush of mediocrity? There is constant news of wars in the world however; the biggest battle is in your mind. If you want to become a person of distinction you need to have the right mindset that makes failure; doubt and the comfort zone your sworn enemies. You have to make up your mind 2013 will be your best year so far. Failure in doing so will end up with you on December 31st 2013 sitting amongst the mediocre minds in the comfort zone with regrets, anger and non-achievement as your milestones.


For many, 2013 will be the year they will become a reference point of excellence and a blessing to their generation while others will be referred to as mediocre and remain a burden to their generation.

What will you become?

Follow me on Twitter:  https://mobile.twitter.com/onyianyado777


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://m.youtube.com/user/yahweh77able

2 Responses

  1. Valerie says:

    Excellent website, brilliant blog and awesome videos, thank you for continually raising the bar.

  2. Louis says:

    Another excellent blog, you’ve really challenged me again with your teaching, thanks Onyi.

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