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Entrepreneur, what’s your distinction in 2015?

Posted on: January 19th, 2015 by:Onyi Anyado  No Comments


Can you imagine it’s already the 19th day of 2015 and it’s so obvious 2015 which I’ve called; The Year of Double Distinction is not waiting for anyone.

With so many opportunities available for entrepreneurs to become distinguished, the question I’ve been asking my audiences is “what’s your distinction?”. Below are three keys I believe can and will separate you from the rest.


For your distinction to be respected, recognised and regarded, it is vital you produce services and or products that will not only distinguish you but will challenge and inspire others to give birth to creative ideas that will cause them to become distinguished too. What project are you pioneering and will the accomplishment of it excite and inspire those around you? Someone once said, “Money makes the world go round” but it’s my conviction that in fact, it is creativity which actually makes the world go around. What do I mean? the phone, tablet, clothes, aftershave, perfume, hat or shoes you are using, somebody created it, so, again I ask, What project are you pioneering and will the accomplishment of it 1. distinguish you and 2. excite and inspire your generation to become distinguished too?

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. ~ Steve Jobs.




If you were to meet say Sir Richard Branson and he asked you about your business, what would you say? Knowing you have about 30 seconds to ‘sell yourself’ it is vital you know the essence of your business which will ultimately distinguish you for now and the future. No stuttering, sweating or stalling just selling, simplicity and success. If you haven’t yet perfected your elevator pitch, why not take 30 minutes practising in front of a mirror.

The only people who don’t need elevator pitches are elevator salesmen. ~ Jarod Kintz.

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With your industry and in fact the global market more competitive than ever before, it is vital you are seen as a thought leader whose says, writes, thinks, produces and delivers what no one in your industry is saying, writing, thinking, producing and delivering. While many are still getting to grips with 2015, one way to become distinguished is to start working on a five year vision. Some might not be willing or able to do this but I can guarantee the thought leaders you follow on social media, read their books are already in 2020. With this truth, not only are you thinking forward, you are also challenging those around you to to become forward thinkers.

Thought leadership is when a leader’s thoughts are being used by leaders to lead others. ~ Onyi Anyado.

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Entrepreneur, truly, now is your time to become distinguished.


Follow me on Twitter using link:  https://twitter.com/Onyianyado777


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