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Entrepreneur, your distinction is in your creativity.

Posted on: March 2nd, 2015 by:Onyi Anyado  No Comments


With great excitement, I read Apple have been secretly working on a new concept and are pushing its team to begin production of an electric vehicle as early as 2020. With a smile on my face, I realised once again, Apple are disrupting the industry with their innovation and thought leadership.

I believe Apple can be so disruptive because:

  1. They have great leadership who are visionary in position.
  2. They have certified their brand which is respected and recognised locally and globally.
  3. They are not afraid to take risks.

So, as an entrepreneur, how can you distinguish yourself in your industry like Apple have done in theirs?


Whatever industry you are in, do not be afraid to take the lead by seeing opportunities and possibilities in becoming distinguished. Yes, you will have critics but interesting how Steve Jobs ignored his critics and in turn his leadership and vision is still causing positive impact after his death.

An entrepreneur is a leader of excellence, trailblazer and pioneer who constantly brings change to their generation. ~ Onyi Anyado.


When I speak to students, leaders, entrepreneurs, employees or companies, I always tell my audience, “you are your brand”. To disrupt your industry, you have to recognise, respect and regard what your brand really represents; your message, logo, on-line and offline presence, in fact, everything about you is your brand so, with this truth you cannot afford mediocrity which is cheap when excellence is actually expensive. To become distinguished, your brand which is actually connected to your vision and message has to do what you say and say what you do, even when your not present.

Branding is not just a product, it’s also a way of life, an idea, branding is actually leadership. ~ Onyi Anyado.


To become distinguished in your industry, not only do you have to take risks which others might not want to take, you have to be strong enough to ignore the critics who will see you distinguishing yourself in your industry. I can imagine there was slight fear from the Apple team in regards the electric car but if they didn’t hear the voice of faith but rather listened to the noise of fear, they might have been reading the news rather than making it.

How can we tell people “never give up” when some haven’t even started yet. ~ Onyi Anyado.

I have called 2015; The Year of Double Distinction so, entrepreneur, have a clear defined vision, take the lead with your brand of excellence knowing ‘fear’ is False Evidence Appearing Real. So with this truth, here’s to your continued success, distinction style.

Entrepreneur, take a bite out of Apple’s innovation so in turn you can bear fruits of creativity. ~ Onyi Anyado.


Follow me on Twitter using link:  https://twitter.com/Onyianyado777

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