“ I was very pleased with the Life Coaching service that Onyi provided. I have recommended Onyi's coaching to the service provider at our University, to coach our young graduates who are struggling with motivation, success and exams. - Sharon Mcbean South Bank University.

“ The YOUR TIME IS NOW Monthly Life Coaching Workshop was a great workshop to be involved in. I found the practical advice and guidance on my Goals one of the most rewarding elements of the workshop and key issues such as confidence was delivered in an effective way. - Ema Okoko.

Your distinction is in your time management

Posted on: March 24th, 2015 by:Onyi Anyado  No Comments


Over the last few weeks I’ve had conversations with people who can’t believe how time is flying by. I mean before we know it, we will be in the first quarter of 2015 but as the saying goes, ‘time waits for no one’.

Every human being, black, white, young and old have many things in common but one thing we all have in common is we all have 24 hours in a day. Broken down, 24 hours represents, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds and 8.64e+10 microseconds.

To become distinguished in your chosen field, it is essential that managing your time effectively is a daily goal. I’m not a betting man but I can guarantee, the distinguished LinkedIn influencers we follow such as; Richard Branson, Jeff Weiner, Bil Gates and Arianna Huffington know and understand the essence of time management.


I deliver talks and workshops in schools/colleges titled; How to become a pupil/student of distinction™ and one of the topics I cover is time management. I inform my audience whether they are 11 years of age or 16 year olds, time is the greatest currency because when invested right, they can live a life of great returns in business and their careers. I always coach young people that every week they should spend quality time not just reading their homework/coursework but understanding it too. I also train them how and why they should spend quality time reading journals in their future chosen profession. For example, if a young person wants to become a lawyer, I challenge them to spend 30 minutes a day reading law journals and going online to read and understand all things law. Why? What you spend your time on is really what you will become and the future has actually started now. The feedback and results have been humbling and awesome.



In fact, knowing the truth and importance of managing ones time is not about age, when I deliver, How to become an employee of distinction™, I inform employees, one of the ways to become distinguished in their organisation is managing time before it comes. What do I mean? I always challenge employees to set a weekly goal to arrive at least 45 minutes early to work so with that, they can work and complete any outstanding projects or, start early on projects which have deadlines. The thought leadership given and received has not only changed the mindset and view of employees but has also increased productivity of the organisation too.


So, to become distinguished in your chosen field like the influencers here on LinkedInand the ones we follow on social media, it is essential you understand the truth and essence of time management, knowing, your distinction truly is in your time management.


To become distinguished in your industry, you have to constantly manage, master and maximise your time. ~ Onyi Anyado.

Follow me on Twitter using link:  https://twitter.com/Onyianyado777


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